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Bruno Lazarini Bezerra
Criador Bruno Lazarini Bezerra 10/11/2022

ao tentar rodar o front end recebo o seguinte erro:

⚠ [2022-11-10T19:13:30.269Z] - NY4FTv_CNSqGXWsoAAAB could not be authenticated to presence-laravel_database_chatroom



<title>404 Not Found</title>


<h1>Not Found</h1>

<p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p>




Client can not be authenticated, got HTTP status 404

Manager Carlos Ferreira 10/11/2022

Olá, Bruno!
Tudo bem?

Tem o projeto no GitHub?

Criou o canal corretamente no arquivo routes/channel.php?

Fixou a versão do socket.io e do laravel-echo-server no arquivo package.json?

No aguardo de mais detalhes;

Carlos Ferreira
Sabe a Solução? Ajude a resolver!

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