Erro no Composer Install

Boa Tarde!
Estou tentando contarinizar uma aplicação minha feita em laravel 6 porem estou tomando erro de filed na hora de instalar os pacotes pelo composer, segue evidencia e print, alguem já passou por isso?
Install of symfony/polyfill-ctype failed
Install of symfony/deprecation-contracts failed
Install of symfony/yaml failed
Install of symfony/polyfill-php80 failed
Install of symfony/process failed
Install of symfony/finder failed
Install of symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts failed
Install of symfony/event-dispatcher failed
Install of psr/container failed
Install of symfony/service-contracts failed
0/156 [>---------------------------] 0% Install of symfony/polyfill-php73 failed
Install of symfony/polyfill-mbstring failed
Install of symfony/console failed
Install of sebastian/recursion-context failed
Install of sebastian/exporter failed
Install of sebastian/diff failed
Install of sebastian/comparator failed
Install of webmozart/assert failed
Install of phpdocumentor/reflection-common failed
Install of phpdocumentor/type-resolver failed
10/156 [=>--------------------------] 6% Install of phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock failed
Install of doctrine/instantiator failed
Install of phpspec/prophecy failed
Install of phpspec/php-diff failed
Install of phpoption/phpoption failed
Install of vlucas/phpdotenv failed
Install of symfony/css-selector failed
Install of tijsverkoyen/css-to-inline-styles failed
Install of symfony/polyfill-php72 failed
19/156 [===>------------------------] 12% Install of symfony/var-dumper failed
Install of symfony/routing failed
Install of symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer failed
Install of symfony/polyfill-intl-idn failed
Install of symfony/mime failed
Install of symfony/http-foundation failed
Install of symfony/http-client-contracts failed
Install of psr/log failed
Install of symfony/debug failed
28/156 [=====>----------------------] 17% Install of phpspec/phpspec failed
Install of symfony/error-handler failed
Install of symfony/http-kernel failed
Install of symfony/polyfill-iconv failed
Install of doctrine/lexer failed
Install of egulias/email-validator failed
Install of swiftmailer/swiftmailer failed
Install of paragonie/random_compat failed
Install of ramsey/uuid failed
Aqui tem tudo detalhado o que deu no terminal

Por algum motivo quando removi os argumentos de usuario e uid, deixei como root funcionou tranquilamente, alguma ideia do que possa ser?

Olá, Thiane!
Tudo bem?
Esta com problemas de permissões.
Uma alternativa, seria acessar o container do o usuário root
docker-compose exec --user=root nome_container bash

Eu removi, do Dockerfile a configuracao de user e uid, que passamos via arg igual ao curso e funcionou.
Não é muito ruim estár assim neh?

Sem problemas

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