[PROMOÇÃO] Assine com + 30% de desconto ANUAL MENSAL (últimas horas)
Rafael Gil
Criador Rafael Gil 04/02/2022


Manager Carlos Ferreira 04/02/2022

Olá, Rafael!
Tudo bem?

Qual é sua dúvida?
Escreve aí por favor...

No aguardo!

Carlos Ferreira
Criador Rafael Gil 04/02/2022

Preciso de ajuda nessas questões que não entendi



*Create relationships between User and DailyLogs




*Create factories for User and DailyLogNotification




*Implement Model Query Scope to filter DailyLogNotification for today




*Create a get mutator on User's model to transform


      the return from "joe doe" to "Joe Doe"




 Create a set mutator on User's model to transform


     * the password to a hash string when setting the password






*When retrieving the day from a DailyLogNotification it should return


     an instance of Carbon




 *When we update a password of a user the same user should be


      notified by email that his password was changed.






Meu banco esta assim





Rafael Gil
Manager Carlos Ferreira 04/02/2022

Em que ponto você travou, seja bem específico que te ajudo! ;-)

Carlos Ferreira
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